Database Error:
PDO driver unavailable. Please contact your host to request the MySQL PDO driver to be enabled within PHP.

#0  App\Core\Database->notify(PDO driver unavailable. Please contact your host to request the MySQL PDO driver to be enabled within PHP.) called at [/home/u150234100/domains/]
#1  App\Core\Database->connect() called at [/home/u150234100/domains/]
#2  App\Core\Database->__construct(1) called at [/home/u150234100/domains/]
#3  App\Core\Database::getDatabase() called at [/home/u150234100/domains/]
#4  App\Core\Framework::initConfigIntoMemory() called at [/home/u150234100/domains/]
#5  App\Core\Framework::init() called at [/home/u150234100/domains/]
#6  App\Core\Framework::run() called at [/home/u150234100/domains/]